Share a Pint!

93 /500

Goal: 500 pints in 500 hours!

USA 500 Clubs is proud to support the American Red Cross’ mission of providing lifesaving care by donating blood. Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood, which means more than 38,000 blood donations are needed per day. Unfortunately, the pandemic led to a decline in blood donations as blood drives were canceled – and now, people around the country are feeling the impact of the dwindling supply. With over 800 club members around the country, as well as thousands of partners, associates, family members and friends, USA 500 Clubs felt that it was our duty to help the blood crisis in whatever way we can.

It only takes one pint of blood to save three people, and our goal is to save 1,500 people with 500 pints.

This campaign will run from May 2nd-21st. We hope to recruit as many people as possible to “Share a Pint” and pledge to donate! You can also share this campaign with your friends and family by using the hashtag #ShareAPint.

To pledge your support, simply click “Pledge to Give Blood” and complete the form to locate the best donation opportunities near you. We appreciate your support!

For more information about the safety protocols taken during this time, visit:–covid-19–and-blood-donation.html

500 Pints Campaign!

Posted on: May 17, 2022

Hi Everyone! I hope you are well.

I am asking that everyone share the link with at least five other people! Can you do it? Remember, this is only the sign-up; you can donate later!

Here is the link:



Hello Blood Donors!

Posted on: May 3, 2022

Thank you for your donations! A special shout out to the attorneys at Rubin and Rudman for a slew of sign-ups today! Attorney Susan Grandis is leading the way! Thank you, Susan.

I encourage everyone to share this link with your partners and friends! We can hit 500. I know it! If every one on this email found two other donors, we would be at 153! Can you find two more donors?

Share a Pint!

Also, take a photo and send it to us at [email protected] and we will share it on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram!


Joe Chatham
USA 500 Clubs
[email protected]

Great job, Team USA 500!

Posted on: May 2, 2022

We have a goal of 500 pints in 500 hours. so far, one day in, we are at 7% of our goal. Our 35 donors will save up to 105 lives. . . . with 19 days to go! Please ask your partners, associates, co-workers, family, and friends to sign up. this is easy! We can do it! Forward the link. We can make a huge difference, with very little effort! Thank you!!!