We’re Not Turnips!

Just chillin in the post donation canteen! Nutter Butters and Grape Juice!
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Hello Family, Friends, and Co-workers

Ever hear the phrase “You can’t get blood from a turnip.”? Well, we’re not turnips! Blood products are a renewable resource that runs through our veins.
As you may know, donating blood, plasma, or platelets can make a significant difference in someone’s life. It’s something I do and take great pride in. That’s why I’m reaching out to invite you to join me in supporting the American Red Cross by donating blood or blood products. My goal is to get 100 donations in by the end of 2024. I have 9 scheduled for myself. I know I have fantastic friends and family members that will help me get the other 91 donations!

Why Donate?
• Save Lives: Every donation can help save up to three lives.
• Emergency Preparedness: Your donation ensures hospitals have the blood products needed for emergencies.
• Community Support: It’s a simple way to give back and support those in need.

How Can You Help?
• Donate: Schedule an appointment at your local Red Cross blood donation center. It’s safe, easy, and can be done in about an hour.
• Spread the Word: Encourage others to donate by sharing this message or organizing a group donation event.

How to Donate:
1. Visit the American Red Cross website: [https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html]
2. Use the Blood Donor App to find a convenient donation time.
3. Encourage friends and family to join you in donating.

Your Impact: Your generosity can make a profound impact on someone’s life. Whether you choose to donate blood, plasma, or platelets, your contribution is vital and deeply appreciated.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference. Together, we can help ensure a stable blood supply and support those who need it most.

With all the love in the world!