The following information is a paraphrased testimonial provided by Ben Jones – friend of Warriors Together; US Army Veteran; Hormone Optimization Nutritionist; Owner of Fit Body Boot Camps and Fit Body Forever in Arizona
Why donating blood should be part of your regular health routine??? – ESPECIALLY FOR MEN
Hemochromatosis is the largest undiagnosed genetic condition amongst people of European descent.
It is a mutation where the body absorbs too much iron, and if blood is not donated on a regular basis, iron builds up to toxic levels and causes organ failure.
WOMEN: You typically don’t have to worry about this mutation until after menopause. When you start going through menopause in your 50’s, this is when you want to know if you have the mutation and start a plan to manage the condition.
MEN: It’s crucial for you to know if you have hemochromatosis. It could be fatal at that stage of life if left unmanaged.
This is due to the iron being built up to such toxic levels where it starts causing heart failure, diabetes, cancer and potentially lead to early death.
You screen for hemochromatosis by having your ferritin levels checked, which is typically not included as part of your routine annual blood work.
Specifically ask your doctor to check this, and if it comes back over 336 micrograms per liter, you might want to take the genetic test for hemochromatosis.
The good news if you’re a mutant with this condition…
The bubonic plague has a hard time living in iron rich blood which is why it was passed down as a dominant trait when the plague went through Europe.
The majority of the survivors were people with hemochromatosis.
However, if you’re not worried about the plague, then get your ferritin checked and start donating.
Men one other thing to know…high iron can also contribute to lower testosterone, so before going onto TRT, make sure your doctor is checking your Ferritin. ???
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