Tufts ASDA Sleeves Up

January is National Blood Donor Month! This is a time to honor those who have selflessly donated blood and recognize the importance of donating blood. Please consider pledging to roll your sleeves up and donate blood at your local Red Cross between now and the first week of February. If you are unable to donate blood, please consider a monetary donation to the red cross here. If you want to show off your donation, share a photo to instagram with hashtag #TuftsASDASleevesUp.
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We work together every day to do important work. But today, we want to accomplish something even more meaningful. The Red Cross has to collect 15,000 blood donations every day to have enough blood to help patients in 2,700 hospitals and transfusion centers across the country. That’s a lot of patients in need and all of us, coming together, can help ensure patients receive life saving blood.

So SleevesUp and help us reach our goal. Make and keep an appointment to give blood to the American Red Cross.