Did you know the American Red Cross has declared a Emergency Blood Shortage stating blood donations are at the lowest point in 20 years? Just imagine if you or your loved one needed blood and couldn’t get it.
January is National Blood Donor Month and The Marek Group as partnered with the American Red Cross to run a national blood drive. For the next 60 days, you can pledge to donate blood at a collection center near you. It couldn’t be easier!
Help us, save lives – OUR GOAL IS 100 UNITS!
All donors will receive a donor t-shirt compliments of The Marek Group. Additionally, donors will be entered in a drawing to win a $500 gift card.
If we reach our goal, we will make an additional donation to the American Red Cross to help with outreach and direct marketing efforts.
Read the Emergency declaration here: http://tinyurl.com/5dcavs43