Team Teri

11 /100

Corpus Christi drive full

Posted on: May 12, 2022

The drive at Corpus Christi is full tomorrow, so please pledge here and follow up with a donation at your preferred date and time. The campaign doesn’t actually track whether you complete your donation, so please honor your pledge and encourage others to donate to support Teri and others like her battling cancer. Stay well!

We have launched!

Posted on: April 1, 2022

The details are available now and pledges can flow in! Attached is the next donation event at Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Roseville. The church has offered to hold their May 13 drive in Teri’s honor, but we are not limited to donating there. Through this virtual drive, we can make donations when and where it is convenient, and still record our pledge and donation to honor Teri and others who are battling cancer. Be sure to share on social media with our hashtag #RollSleevesHeyer to connect your donation selfie or appointment marketing. Hopefully we can surpass our goal of 100 donations and inspire more people to give and build a habit of donation!