On 12/16/20 I received 5 units of life-saving blood due to an ectopic pregnancy. Though our baby is not with us, I am here to celebrate my 39th birthday and holiday season – purely due to the generosity of others who were willing and able to give a little bit of themselves to save a stranger. I am eternally grateful.
My journey to giving back (at least) those five units has been a long and emotional one. I have been able to donate two successful units and one not so successful unit since then. It seems even after a few years of healing, my body is not ready to let go of it’s magical life force. It’s been a process to say the least. I am now asking for your help.
Sylvia means “Spirit of the forest” and was the name we had picked out for our baby if she was a girl. In honor of our little one and in honor of all of those around the world who selflessly give a part of them self to save others, I invite you to please consider donating what you can.
Brinton and I ask that we celebrate life and give the gifts of gratitude and love this year.
So much love and gratitude to you all, Jenn