Sophie’s Army’s Blood Drive

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We’re calling on our Army of love to help us pay it forward! Since approximately one year before the COVID-19 pandemic began, our country has faced consistent and massive nationwide blood and plasma shortages. For those of you who know Sophie, you know that she suffers from several chronic illnesses (a few of them being rare diseases) which are all co-morbid conditions caused by a genetic connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). One of the conditions that Sophie struggles with the most is mast cell activation, which stems from Primary Immunodeficiency Disease (PIDD). One of the life-sustaining treatments she relies heavily on is an immunotherapy called IVIG (Intravenous Immunoglobulin), which is a blood product derived directly from plasma donations, and is used to treat a wide variety of critical illnesses. IVIG is also known as “liquid gold,” not only because of the exorbitant cost of it, but because ONE SINGLE INDIVIDUAL DOSE of it requires anywhere from hundreds (100’s) to hundreds of thousands (100,000+) of plasma donors to generously give the gift of life. Most patients who receive IVIG are on either a daily, weekly or monthly regimen. For Sophie, the magnitude of how much of a hero blood and plasma donors are is a reality that sets in every single month. Until it is you or someone you love whose life is quite literally dependent on complete strangers going out and donating blood, or until it is you or a loved one that is lying in a hospital bed whilst having a medical crisis in the midst of a blood shortage, you don’t understand the full weight of the gift that blood and plasma donation is. That is why between now and Sophie’s Birthday (09/01/2023), we are calling on all of Sophie’s Army to help others just like Soph by giving them the gift of life, the gift of time, and the gift of health by going out to your local blood and/or plasma center to donate. Help us bridge the gap in the current shortage by being a world changer and giving blood, today!

1.) Make the commitment by pledging to donate right here on this site! IT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE, and is our way of keeping track of how many people take part in our chain reaction of life force!
2.) Find your local blood and/or plasma center and go donate – ANYWHERE YOU ARE IN THE UNITED STATES. Your donation does not need to specifically be to the American Red Cross. (Please note that blood can be donated at any local blood bank, clinic, hospital or Big Red Bus, however plasma, which is also desperately needed, can ONLY be donated at a designated plasma donation center.)
3.) While you are donating, give us a shout out on social media by tagging us in your photos and using #SophiesArmy and #SophStrong so we can see you and thank you!
4.) SPREAD THE WORD! Share the link to our drive publicly on your socials! Tell your friends, family, neighbors, complete strangers! Email the link to your grandparents! Shout it from the rooftops!

Follow @SophiesArmy on Instagram, or visit for health updates.