SleevesUp for Olivia and ALL Kids

Our Supergirl Olivia!
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In August 2021, at just a month shy of 4-years old, Olivia was diagnosed with Leukemia (ALL). Since then she has been fighting to keep cancer out of her blood and received numerous blood transfusions to save her life. You might not realize how important certain letters are until they’re gone. A, B and O are the main blood types and when not enough people donate blood, A’s, B’s and O’s may be missing from hospital shelves when a critical patient arrives. Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. But for the past four years, new Red Cross blood donors have declined by about 80,000 each year. Help us reach our goal and fill in the missing blood types so patients like Olivia can receive the lifesaving care they need. Make and keep an appointment to give blood to the American Red Cross.