At Sharpe Interior Systems, Inc., we are more than just drywall. This year, we have launched a campaign to support the American Red Cross with blood and cash donations. We are asking employees and their family members to make two blood donations in 2020. In turn, Sharpe Interior Systems, Inc. will donate $100 to the American Red Cross for every pint of blood donated. We are hoping to reach a target of 800 blood donations and $80,000 in company contributions. This charitable campaign is slated to be one of the “Biggest” in Sharpe’s history.
Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. Blood is essential for surgeries, cancer treatments, chronic illness and traumatic injury. These statistics are very real and are a reminder of how important it is to support this cause. Please make an appointment to give blood to the American Red Cross. It is easy to find an appointment that’s near to you and every donation can help save up to three lives.
Click on the right-hand side “PLEDGE TO GIVE BLOOD”.
To track our progress, copy and paste this URL into your web browser:
Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Steve M. Sharpe
Sharpe SleevesUp has hit a huge milestone! We are more than halfway to our goal of 800 blood donations and $80,000 in company contributions to the American Red Cross. As of April 1st, we surpassed 400 blood donations and thanks to you, our campaign continues to gain momentum.
Because of your blood donations, the American Red Cross has distributed life-saving blood to over 1,200 people and has received over $40,000 in cash which helps provide assistance to survivors of disasters in our local communities.
In March, we announced the extension of the Sharpe SleevesUp campaign which will continue through the end of 2021. With your support, we can reach our goal and possibly exceed our target of 800 blood donations.
Thank you to all the volunteers who have stepped up to donate blood on behalf of the Sharpe SleevesUp campaign. We are 141 days into this life saving campaign, and so far we have received 118 pledges, 61 blood donations and have donated $6,950 in company contributions. Some of our campaign donors have returned for a second, third and fourth time to donate blood, plasma and platelets. We truly cannot thank you enough!
The Red Cross is currently testing blood for COVID-19 antibodies. The antibody test provides insight to potential past exposure to the coronavirus as some carriers can be asymptomatic.
Additionally, in coordination with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Red Cross is seeking people who are fully recovered from the coronavirus to donate plasma to help current COVID-19 patients. For more information please visit:
If you are feeling well, your donation is urgently needed. Please help us reach our goal and save lives.
We are happy to report in the first 48 hours of our SharpeSleevesUp campaign, we have received 12 pledges to donate blood. You Sharpe employees rock! Thank you for your commitment to this critically important work.