Reichert Blood Drive

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My name is Ainsley Reichert. I just turned 20, and to celebrate, I’m hosting a virtual blood drive as a way to give back to my community.

I first donated blood in 2020, and I have been a regular donor since 2022. Donating blood is an easy and rewarding way to help others. Blood is needed every two seconds, and a single blood donation can save multiple lives. I’m a member of the American Red Cross Club at UW-Madison. On campus, I volunteer regularly at blood drives, checking in donors and answering questions about the donation process. Over the summer, I adopted three blood drives in Hartland, WI, and collected almost 100 units of blood from generous donors in my hometown.

Blood donation is a passion of mine, not only because of its necessity but because it is a way for me to honor my late grandfather, Dave Reichert. My grandpa was a regular blood donor until he was diagnosed with cancer. He passed away before I was born. Donating blood allows me to connect with him and carry on his legacy of generosity and kindness.

This holiday season, I hope you’ll find it in your heart to celebrate with me and honor my grandfather by donating blood. Whether you’re a first-timer or a regular donor, try scheduling an appointment at a drive near you. Donating blood is quick, easy, and almost entirely painless. Thirty minutes of your time can save a life and inspire a lifetime of fulfilling blood donation.

Thank you and happy holidays,
Ainsley <3