Olivia’s Fight for Blood

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Olivia is 3 years and 8 months old. She had Severe Aplastic Anemia, a type of bone marrow failure, and for over half her life she relied on blood transfusions to stay alive. From October 2018 through July 2020 Olivia received an incredible 99 transfusions of Platelets and Red Blood Cells.

On June 25, 2020 Olivia received a bone marrow transplant, and shortly after on July 16th she received her last platelet transfusion. Now, thanks to her generous donor and her new bone marrow, Olivia is able to make her own cells.

As we come up to Olivia’s day 100 post transplant, we would like to honor her, and all those whose previous donations saved her life. To do so, we’re asking that you join with us and take an hour out of your day to donate blood and save a life.

With Covid 19 causing the cancellation of blood drives, the need is greater than ever. Make your appointment today, and donate safely at a center near you.

Post a photo of yourself donating with the hashtag #oliviasfightforblood and together we can inspire others and make a difference.