Netgain Sleeves Up – American Red Cross Blood Drive

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Did you know that every two seconds, someone in America needs blood? Join us for our virtual blood drive as we spread awareness about the importance of blood donation in honor of World Donor Day in June.

We’re asking you to make and keep an appointment to give blood to the American Red Cross anytime during the month of June. It’s easy to find an appointment that’s near to you and every donation can help save up to three lives!

1. Click on Donate on this page or use our unique link:

2. Enter your zip code.

3. Schedule an appointment for the Red Cross blood drive of your choice. You can pick the day and time that’s most convenient for you.

4. On the day of your blood donation, eat healthy food, drink plenty of water, and bring your ID.

5. Enjoy the experience as we save lives.

If you’re unable to donate blood, please consider making a charitable donation to the American Red Cross anytime in the month of June via our GoFundMe page:

Together, we can make a difference.

— Netgain Connection Crew