Mikayla Sarai Blood Drive

Help Mikayla Sarai: A Call for Hope and Blood Donation
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Mikayla Sarai is a 16-year-old fighting a relentless battle with Sickle Cell Disease. Despite her young age, Mikayla’s journey has been marked by numerous hospitalizations, including recurring vaso-occlusive crises, a silent stroke, and severe complications such as acute chest syndrome and pneumonia. She relies on regular blood transfusions to manage her condition.

Currently, Mikayla is undergoing evaluation for a bone marrow transplant, the only potential cure for sickle cell disease. However, finding a compatible donor has proven challenging. This is where your help can make a profound difference.

By becoming a blood donor, you can offer Mikayla and countless others facing similar battles a glimmer of hope. Your donation might be the key to ensuring she receives the vital treatment she needs.Join us in supporting Mikayla by donating blood and potentially saving lives. Your contribution could be the match she—and many others have been waiting for.

Together, we can make a difference. Become a donor today and be part of the solution.