Live Like Liv

One of her 40+ transfusions!
26 /43

We are so grateful to the 40+ people who donated blood and helped Liv both survive and thrive in her 2+ years of fighting cancer. Her tumors grew so fast that they would use up 1/4 of her blood supply in less than 24 hours. Unfortunately the chemo that stopped them from growing and stealing her blood suppressed her body’s ability to make blood and would also lead to needing transfusions. When her blood supply was getting low her energy would tank, her mood would drop, her heart would beat fast, and sometimes she would get short of breath. When it got really low, she slept all day and it could be hard to wake her up. Blood transfusions were like magic potions. She would immediately feel better, get her energy back, and turn back into her wild and crazy self. Neither Ian nor I were matches and could not donate blood to her, so we relied on anonymous donations. We were so fortunate that there was always blood when she needed it.

Because of Covid19 most blood drives are being canceled, and this is leading to nationwide shortage. It is breaking my heart to think about parents having to watch their kids — their kids who are already going through SO MUCH and FIGHTING SO HARD — struggle and potentially lose their life because our blood banks are bare.

Donating blood is literally gifting someone another chance at life. In this time of uncertainty, scarcity, and feeling helpless, you can save three lives with one blood donation. Our goal is to get 43 donors signed up in the next few weeks; one donor for every donation Liv received. #LiveLikeLiv