Laura Martin’s Virtual Blood Drive

Me holding my daughter in the ICU after receiving 14 units of donated blood products that saved my life
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Trigger Warning: Birth Trauma/Hemorrhage

Last year, my daughter Elizabeth “Ellie” was born after a relatively easy and uncomplicated labor. After only holding her for a few minutes, I was told by my doctor that we were going to the OR. I was having heavy bleeding that was not stopping, so passed my new baby to my sister and was rushed to the OR. While my amazing team worked to stabilize me and stop the bleeding, I heard the team calling for the massive transfusion protocol. As a nursing educator, I knew that this was not a good sign- it meant that my blood loss was so great that I urgently needed a combination of blood products in order to replenish what I was losing. When I awoke hours later in the ICU, I learned that I had lost 4500ml of blood (or a little over a gallon), which is about the average amount of blood that a person has circulating throughout their body. In the hours after Ellie’s birth I received 14 blood products and then 2 additional units of blood throughout my hospital stay. I am alive today because 16 people selflessly donated blood.
I have been donating blood since I was first eligible at age 18. This past year I reached a personal milestone of having donated 16 units, as many as I received. I am asking you to consider donating blood, platelets or plasma if you are able to. I never thought I would be on the receiving end of a blood product, but I am so grateful that blood was available to me when I needed it.
I am setting a goal of 100 donations. If you’re able to donate, amazing! If not, please share this with anyone you think would consider donating.
My experience has left me with an immense sense of gratitude- for my healthcare team and for everyone who donates blood. It means so much to me when anyone I know donates.

Thank you!

More than 1/4 there!

Posted on: September 16, 2024

I am blown away by the response so far! After less than one week, more than 25 people have pledged to donate blood. This is more than 1/4 of my total goal by the end of 2024. Thank you to everyone who has pledged to donate (and the few who have already donated). And thank you to anyone who has shared this campaign with others.