lady with the blood

Lady with the blood, and also Lets Win This Battle
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As the Hurricane Florence is approaching the east coast of US, let us do something to support those first responders and any victims who got in harm’s way while saving people, property, and the community. Most of us are regular folks, working jobs day and night trying to support yourself or our family. We are lucky that this tragic event hasn’t affected us physically, but we tend to not appreciate that due to our busy life and schedule. Coming from a perspective of a student who is trying to earn a degree and support myself financially, I do understand that I won’t be able to help them financially, or go and help build houses, but something I can help them is by donating what is very hard to find especially in times of need like this. That is a pint of blood to the Red Cross Blood to help them help those people who are in need out there. I live in Arizona, and the weather here is hot but I am very grateful that nothing extreme like that has happened here and I hope nothing will. I am grateful to be part of those families who don’t have to pack up and move all of the sudden to survive a hurricane in that demand. I am grateful for my family, food in my table, and good health, but like all of us, I have never shown how much grateful I am towards this. That is why I have created this campaign to help those people who are in need of blood support, therefore, I ask all of you to please pledge to go and donate a pint of blood to the red cross blood and also support them financially if its possible. We are all grateful towards this wonderful life we have, even if it’s not the best of what we want we all have the opportunity to get there. So let’s give those people in need that opportunity to heel and live to get the best of their lives. Lastly, one thing I have learned from my times in volunteering and helping homeless communities, people who are down they look for help, and when we went out to help them by giving food, shelters, finance, and many physical things we thought could help them, they were grateful to us, it helped there lives, but one thing I did myself was asked them they had felt about this help. They said that even with all these help they are thankful to us that they can survive a couple of weeks, but they were nervous about how else to survive in the future, almost all were worried of letting their family down. One thing that they needed according to me was a hope of support, hope that even though times are hard it will all be better if they work hard. Hope that there is a better future for them with just a little investment of hard work. More and more I volunteer I let them know about all these, that there is a brightness to all these dark clouds, that they just have to keep their head up high and work a little bit harder, and lastly, that they have to have a dream to do better and just telling yourself that I will get to that dream every day for the rest of their lives. In summary, many issues may arise for many people, and remembering that it will get better and that appreciating what we have is very important to proper and happy living. I do ask all of you that if you cannot donate, I do understand that not everyone can donate, please share this information to all your friends and family, just to get the word out. All of us can be a part of this help, all we have to do is click, click either that you are pledging or click share to share about this event to your friends. Helping others will help you one day, and just donating one pint of blood saves as many as three people’s lives. So let’s be a part of this movement! Thank you and please do share with others!