Journey of Faith Blood Drive

Journey of Faith Blood Drive
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Our wonderful partners at Red Cross are having a critical shortage of blood during this challenging time. We need your help to save lives, donate blood today!

Thank You For Saving Lives!

Posted on: July 6, 2020

Hi there!

On behalf of Journey of Faith, The Red Cross and the lives that you have helped to save, we want to send a huge THANK YOU your way. Through your generosity, we were able to save over 300 lives. We invite you to continue to serve alongside us. To stay in the loop with all things Outreach, please subscribe to our monthly Outreach newsletter by pasting this link into your search bar:

We hope to inspire our community through your heart to give, so we encourage you to send photos of yourself giving blood so that we can share your story! Please send all photo submissions to

We’re grateful for your heart to serve, you’ve truly made a difference!


Journey of Faith Outreach Team