In Honor of Memory of James Daily Dunn

Pledge Today! Virtual 2022 American Red Cross Sleeves-Up Blood Drive.
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In loving memory of #JamesDailyDunn, age 27, who passed unexpectedly May 20, 2022.

Today, July 24, 2022, his family is commemorating James’ 28th birthday and promoting awareness of the 11th International Self-Care Day #ISD by remembering a life well-lived #selfcare and how mental health is essential #sevenpillarsofselfcare

As James shared with us, ‘The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.’

Together, we can heal more! Blood is the gift of life, and James’ family is hosting an American Red Cross Sleeves-Up virtual blood drive in 2022.

We are asking family, friends, co-workers, schoolmates, and community members to donate blood to receive lifesaving care. This lifesaving gift helps many patient lives and can help ensure patient care.

With lifelong benefits, today’s 11th International Self-Care Day focuses on progress to mind healthy lifestyles, wellness, and its seven pillars for self-care:

(1) knowledge & health literacy, (2) mental well-being, (3) physical activity, (4) healthy eating, (5) risk avoidance, (6) good hygiene, and (7) rational use of products & services.

So, Sleeves-Up and ISD can help us reach goals. Help save lives! Love wins! Diversity is celebrated! Disabilities are respected! Mother Nature wins!

Thank you all heroes!

‘I built a tiny garden
In a corner of my heart
I kept it just for lovely things
And bade all else depart
And ever was there music
And flowers blossomed fair;
And never was it perfect
Until you entered there.’

To start, make your pledge by clicking the red button, and then visit to make your own donation appointment.

The pledge to donate blood is made by finding a locally hosted blood drive by entering a zip code or at an American Red Cross blood donation center.

Thanks for your support and commitment, with self-care actions, for your hearts of compassion and human kindness.

‘Donating blood is an act of solidarity. Join the effort and save lives’