Give for Mike’s Birthday

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You never know God’s plan or His timing. When our family was traveling on a cross country camping trip, a terrible car accident happened right in front of us. God placed our group of 6 able bodied adults in that place at that moment. It wasn’t a coincidence that we were delayed at the rest stop earlier that morning. It wasn’t a coincidence that we had a fully stocked trauma bag in the caravan. It wasn’t a coincidence that our group consisted of emergency first responders and dispatchers. And God, through His awesomeness, used people to be a blessing to a family that was trapped in a burning car. Lives were changed forever that day; but no one was permanently injured and everyone survived. Three helicopters evacuated the casualties from that car accident, and no one died. Thank God for His provision, for skilled hands in those ambulances that responded, for the skilled hands in those helicopters, for those skilled hands at the hospital, and for the BLOOD that you all selflessly give. None of what happened mattered with the blood. Thank you for donating.