Give for Kelly’s 50th!

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Hi Everyone,

It’s my birthday week and I’m turning the BIG 5-0! I never thought I’d be so excited to turn 50, but after the last year, I’m grateful for every day!

I’m starting a virtual blood drive campaign for my 50th birthday in hopes of raising awareness about donating blood, plasma and platelets. As some of you may know, I have been battling Multiple Myeloma over the last year and some of the treatments cause very low hemoglobin and platelet counts. I have been fortunate to have ready access to blood and platelets, but that may not always be the case if blood donations don’t happen. When hemoglobin gets too low (which happens as a side effect of procedures and medications to treat Multiple Myeloma) many side effects happen- fatigue, trouble breathing, heart problems which can lead to fatality.

Last October, I underwent a stem cell transplant as a course of treatment for the Multiple Myeloma. I needed many blood transfusions and platelet transfusions. At one point, my platelets were so low that I had a hemorrhage in my eye, but thankfully, with platelet transfusions I was able to raise my platelet counts and those symptoms subsided.

I’m asking that you please donate for my virtual 50th birthday campaign, and consider donating frequently. It could help to save my life one day!

Thank you!