Give Blood Save a Life

Blood Donation
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Hello everyone! The letters you see here may not seem like a big deal. But the letters A, B, and O make up our main blood groups. And for a patient in the hospital needing blood, it’s everything.

Only 3 out of 100 Americans donate blood, yet every two seconds someone needs it. Fewer people are donating blood to help patients. You can change that by joining the international Missing Types movement and fill in the missing types.

I gave blood for the first time about a month ago. I’ve always been scared of needles and pass out very easily. I saw that we were in need more now than ever because there are no blood drives and less blood donations due to Covid. I decided my fear was not going to stop me from saving someone’s life. Since then I tried to think of different creative ways of how can I help in getting the word out.

Help save a life and give blood it costs nothing but your blood! ❤️