The Georgia CMAA Chapter Membership Committee has teamed up with the American Red Cross to create “Georgia Gives” a virtual blood drive for our chapter members.
Did you know that every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood? With statistics like that, odds are at some point you will need to be on the receiving end.
In order to support this initiative we ask you, our chapter members, to join your Membership Committee and Board of Directors, and pledge to do your part in making this life saving donation. Each donation can save up to three lives.
In addition, all donations are being tested for COVID-19 antibodies. Blood donations that test positive for COVID-19 antibodies could provide convalescent plasma for critically ill coronavirus patients.
You can make your donation at any American Red Cross center, appointments are necessary.
All that we ask is that you make your pledge during the month of February and that you snap a picture while rolling up your sleeves and post it using #GAgives so we can capture Georgia Gives in action.
Thank you in advance for your pledge and donation!