Dental Donors Are Heroes

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The American Red Cross now faces a severe blood shortage due to an unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Healthy individuals are needed now to donate to help patients counting on lifesaving blood.

As the coronavirus pandemic has grown here in the U.S., blood drive cancellations have grown at an alarming rate. To date, nearly 2,700 Red Cross blood drives have been cancelled across the country due to concerns about congregating at workplaces, college campuses and schools amidst the coronavirus outbreak. These cancellations have resulted in some 86,000 fewer blood donations. More than 80% of the blood the Red Cross collects comes from drives held at locations of this type.

With so many of our lives coming to a slow crawl or even a halt due to COVID-19 let’s all pull together as a dental community and roll-up our sleeves! Please join us in this virtual campaign by signing up to donate and become a “DENTAL HERO!”

Thank you for your support,
Columbia Periodontal Associates