Dave Nichols – Beat Strong, Breathe Deep Sleeves Up Campaign!

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Dave Nichols and his wife Mary are natives of West Virginia and currently reside in Richmond, VA.  They are wonderful parents to two children, Alex and Joey, and have always been givers throughout their communities.  Rather it be emotional, spiritual or financial support, Dave and Mary have always searched for ways to give back and be a support to others.  This critical time in their lives is no different.

Unfortunately, Dave has spent the past several weeks in the hospital in Fairfax, VA, near Washington, D.C. He has suffered for quite some time from a disease called Pulmonary Hypertension, where the blood pressure in his lungs is abnormally high, causing additional wear on his body and organs.  In particular, tiny arteries are killed off inside of his lungs, making it harder for oxygen to transfer from his lungs to his blood stream. Because the structure of the lungs so much resembles the structure of a tree, this process of the small arteries dying is often referred to as “pruning”.

Additionally, Dave’s original heart was forced to work harder to accommodate the pressure coming from his lungs, causing his heart to become very enlarged and weak so that it had a hard time squeezing to pump the blood his body needs.

Because of the poor condition of both Dave’s lungs and heart, Dave has just received a successful heart-lung transplant on Sunday, March 19, 2023.  In the midst of receiving this life-changing news as you can imagine, Dave and Mary immediately began thinking about the transplant surgery, what would be needed during and after and how could they help give back.  Thinking of others, as they always have, they inquired with the Red Cross about setting up a blood donation Sleeves Up campaign in Dave’s honor, knowing that essential and live-saving blood would be needed during his surgery and his journey through this critical time.  Though Dave’s surgery miraculously required no blood to be given, keeping the blood banks and medical facilities full for those individuals needing blood will help ensure people just like Dave have what is needed for survival.

This life-saving blood is not available without people like you. One blood donation can help save up to three lives. What a new meaning this takes on, especially when it is your close family and friends! Rather you are nearby or states away, you can schedule an appointment to donate blood as long as the Red Cross collects in your local area. The website will show you the closest blood drives along with dates and times.

Without volunteer blood donors, our story might have a different ending. Help Dave and Mary reach and surpass their goal and ensure that these patients receive this life saving blood they need.

Make and keep an appointment to give blood to the American Red Cross and overwhelm Dave and Mary with your support.  You truly are giving the gift of life!