CGI 3rd Annual SleevesUp Campaign

New mom Marquita is a sickle cell patient who benefits from your blood donation.
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CGI Black Member Alliance is hosting our 3rd Annual Blood drive in honor of Sickle Cell Month. Our goal is to raise awareness of this disease and increase donations for this cause.  In 2022, our members attended onsite drives at 6 locations, donated 196 units of blood, with 39 first-time donors and 51 virtual donors, and saved 588 lives in support of sickle cell awareness. This year we have 14 onsite drives scheduled at CGI locations in different cities. In addition, we have 6 drives set up with other blood donation services in cities where the Red Cross does not operate.  Our goal is to increase our donations to at least 250 units.
Donors who are Black play a critical role in helping people with sickle cell disease, the most common genetic blood disease in the U.S. Patients with the disease may rely on regular blood transfusions throughout their lives. It is essential that the blood they receive be the most compatible match possible, from someone of the same race or similar ethnicity.
Today, there aren’t enough blood donors to meet this urgent need. By donating blood, you can make a difference in the life of a patient with sickle cell disease as well as moms with complicated childbirths, people fighting cancer, accident or trauma victims being raced to emergency rooms, and many more.

Thanks in advance for your donation.