Celebrating Ten Years of Ensemble Difference!

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This year marks Ensembles 10 year anniversary as a company. What better way to celebrate than to BE THE DIFFERENCE?!?!

Our company strives to Be the Difference. People come first, last and always. Here at Ensemble we want people to know we are all for one and one for all both in our company AND in our community.
We won’t settle for the status quo we will be the difference. We will rise above our job description and encourage others within and outside the company to also rise above and give life through blood donation!
We will remind people near and far that they matter by donating blood.

Every Ounce Counts! Be the difference, save lives! Give life by putting your sleeve up!


Posted on: May 3, 2024

What a great first couple days! Thank you all so much for your support thus far!
Keep sharing our Campaign on your social media and get your family and friends involved. Every ounce counts, let’s save lives!
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