Adaptive Textiles Holiday Blood Drive

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This holiday season, we have launched a campaign to support the American Red Cross with blood and cash donations. We are asking employees, clients and their friends and family members to pledge to donate one pint of blood by the end 2021. In turn, Adaptive Textiles will donate $20 to the American Red Cross for every pint of blood donated. We are hoping to reach a target of 100 blood donations and $2,000 in company contributions.

Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. Blood is essential for surgeries, cancer treatments, chronic illness and traumatic injury. These statistics are very real and are a reminder of how important it is to support this cause. Please make an appointment to give blood to the American Red Cross. It is easy to find an appointment that’s near to you and every donation can help save up to three lives.

Click on the right-hand side “PLEDGE TO GIVE BLOOD.” Then pick a convenient Red Cross location, find a time that works best for you and get started saving lives with us!