A.C. Five Oh

Hitting the big 5.0 (Gallons!)
0 /50

I have this vision of a family standing anxiously in the hospital, looking through the glass at their newborn. Too tiny, too frail. Born too soon.
The infant is not doing well. A nurse enters the NICU, responding to an alarm. She hangs a new blood bag and starts the drip, sending nutrients and support to the struggling child.
Blood oxygen a levels rise out of alarming range, and the child’s breathing slows to a steady rhythm. She makes it through the night, and starts improving the next day. A few weeks later, she goes home with her family, a bright eyed and curious, healthy baby girl.

This year, I hit the lifetime milestone of 5.0 gallons donated. In honor of my 50th birthday, I’m hoping to get help from friends and family to donate 50 units of blood over the next three months. I’ll be donating twice – will you join me in saving a life?