Be Nice To Me Today

My amazing Red Cross phlebotomist and I at the "VIB" drive on July 18, 2020 at The Heights
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Blood is my new love.  It has saved the lives of friends and children in my own community who have suffered from trauma and cancer.  Its a powerful treatment for those who suffer from sickle cell disease, alleviating such intense pain that kids compare it to broken glass coursing through their veins.  And through the transfusion of Convalescent plasma, a component of whole blood which contains antibodies for diseases like COVID-19, is proving to be an effective treatment for the most severely ill from COVID-19.

Every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood.  I’m proud to know that I’m saving up to 3 lives every time I donate.

Today, I’m not asking for your money.  I’m asking for your blood. Please roll up your sleeve, pledge to donate and make an appointment by the end of September by going to  As a bonus, Red Cross will automatically test your donation for COVID-19 antibodies!  Remember to post a selfie with the hashtag #BeNiceToMeToday.  Don’t delay.  Make your appointment today!