Our fierce, fearless, and beautiful Mom, Rita, lost her 10+ years-long battle with colon cancer on January 19, 2024. In the last few months of 2023, Mom needed many, many blood transfusions due to complications that came about from the treatment of her disease. To honor our Mom, we’re organizing a SleevesUp Campaign through the American Red Cross to give back to others who need a transfusion. If you’re able, we’d appreciate your support by signing up to donate blood at an American Red Cross Blood Drive in your area. You can choose any day, time, and location that is convenient for you.
The American Red Cross provides approximately 40% of our nation’s blood donations. As of January 2024, The American Red Cross is experiencing an emergency blood shortage as the nation faces the lowest number of people giving blood in 20 years. Your blood donations are used for patients in need of surgery, cancer treatment, and transfusions for blood loss from traumatic injuries. For cancer patients, blood transfusions can act as a resource to implement platelets back into the body after heavy treatments such as chemo or radiation therapy.
We cannot express how much your support and kind words mean to us in this difficult time. Thank you to all who sign up to donate blood in honor of our Mom, Rita.
Love, The Hidi & Ashburner Families