Fibromyalgia Warrior's Awareness Education Retreat
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We are trying to get people involved and interact with us online and in person.
We are striving to communicate to the community our recourses for our Organization. We are here to help advocate for you so you can educate yourself and become more aware of the symptoms and treatments there are for this dreadful disease! We are also fundraising to build a retreat area that members can come and revive themselves and review their own Wellness plan that they have in place for when they have a setback or are in need of implementing there Wellness plan into action. Some people have this under there Advance Directives on medical health. Having this condition treatment is vital to one’s life and the ability to function can be obsolete at times and we have a pool where we welcome retreat and relaxation along with aqua therapy is provided as part of the wellness retreat program we are striving to build. At this time we are seeking Investors and Donations to help support our efforts while we are going through the process of getting our, org license and funding for our retreat area to accommodate education recourses as well. I have a vision that I would like a person with Fibromyalgia to come visit us, it’s by appointment only, I can book private slots as well so you have the privacy to express and tell your story, for some people that is very difficult and it’s time consuming! so booking a slot is best so we can hear what you have to say so that we can hear what we can possibly help you with educate yourself where you need it and update your wellness plan of action if you do not have a Wellness plan of action we can provide you one of our Wellness plan of action as well. Having an action plan to attack when you have a moment of laps is vital to your wellness plan. At this time we are building our Organization Yes it is a residence however on scheduled days where we have appointments we strive to set the mode to community Healthy Wellness Education and Retreat. Our pool is available to members as well we provide aqua therapy as well.