Oakfield for Owen

8 /25

On August 24th 2019 one of our neighbors had a beautiful baby boy named Owen Ware Stumpf. He was born at 25 1/2 weeks at 1.14 pounds. He passed away on August 31st 2019. During his short but amazing one week of life, Owen received many blood transfusions.

I have been donating blood each year on his birthday in his memory. This year, for his third birthday our amazing neighborhood is getting together for a blood drive to honor our boy. If you can’t make it on the actual day, you can pledge to donate through this link so it is still in Owens honor.

If you happen to see the Stumpfs please keep this to yourself as I am trying to surprise them for Owens birthday.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you all so much, as always, for making Oakfield the best place to live.
