Concellation 2020 Virtual Blood Drive

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Welcome to the Concellation 2020 Virtual Blood Drive!

For many years, con-goers have been some of the most dedicated blood donors, touching many thousands of lives with donation during cons across the country. The USS Nokomis (the largest Star Trek in Minnesota) has hosted convention drives for several decades, with its 38th drive at MarsCon 2020 in March, 2020. Unfortunately, the cancellation of conventions means the cancellation of blood drives, so we’re hosting this virtual drive!

Blood drives are held at high schools and colleges, business and other community sites. Each time a site closes, the blood drive is also closed. This has led to an urgent situation for the blood supply. Keeping in mind that blood outdates in 42 days (platelets outdate in 5!), you can see how this will quickly impact cancer patients and others who rely on continued transfusion (not to mention accident victims and others). There are sites open, including Red Cross donor centers, and they can be found at Pledge here, then give there!

If you are concerned about going out to donate, be assured that the Red Cross is considering this. This link has information about how the Red Cross is working to ensure the safety of donors, plus up to date information about Coronavirus and COVID-19:–covid-19–and-blood-donation.html

So SleevesUp and help us reach our goal. It is critical that donors make life-saving donations to keep those patients alive! Make and keep an appointment to give blood to the American Red Cross.