Men Have Breasts Too — Plea for Platelets

A Plea for Platelets From Kirby Lewis
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Like you I recognize that support for breast cancer continues all twelve months of the year — long after the PINK ribbons are taken down.

As we move into the holiday season of giving, the Male Breast Cancer Coalition is collaborating with the American Red Cross and their #SleevesUpForBreastCancer campaign to raise awareness of the importance of platelets to cancer patients.

Please take a moment to watch this informative video to learn why donating platelets is so important.

I would like to challenge all our social media followers to share this message with 10 of their friends and to consider giving the gift of life this year. Use the PLEDGE button on the right to schedule your platelet donation appointment at a Red Cross location near you. By giving about two hours of time you can help one to three additional people in need of lifesaving platelets.

Thank you for supporting me by pledging to donate in my #SleevesUpForBreastCancer campaign!

Kirby Lewis