Maine Blood Drive to Benefit Southeastern US Hurricane Recovery

We may be hundreds of miles away, however an hour of your time can save up to 3 lives.
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Following the devastation of Hurricane Florence and Michael, we learned many lives were lost, homes destroyed, and communities forever impacted under these massive forces of nature.  Hurricane Michael and Hurricane Florence have forced the cancellation of about 250 blood drives, causing approximately 7,600 units of blood to go uncollected in the Southeast. Low donor turnout is expected to continue in affected areas as communities recover.
Here in Maine, we may feel distant, like we can’t really help the recovery, but we can.  Many don’t know, but New England is an exporter of whole blood to the rest of the nation this time of year.  These hurricanes further crippled the blood supply in the southeastern.
The American Red Cross urges donors of all blood types to give blood to support trauma, cancer, organ transplant and other patients. Type O blood donors are critically needed right now.  Having enough type O blood on the shelves is important for ongoing patient care and emergencies.  Type O positive is the most transfused blood type and can be transfused to Rh-positive patients of any blood type.  Type O negative is the universal blood type and what emergency room personnel reach for when there is no time to determine the blood type of patients in the most serious situations.  If you are Type O or Type A- or Type B-, please consider a Power Red Donation.  This will double the impact of your donation and you will leave feeling more hydrated and grateful that you helped a patient in need of a lifesaving transfusion.
You can help today by pledging to donate at the location most convenient to where you live or work.  We may be hundreds of miles away, however an hour of your time can save up to 3 lives.