UAW-GM Center for Human Resources

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We work together every day to do important work. But today, we want to accomplish something even more meaningful. The Red Cross has to collect 15,000 blood donations every day to have enough blood to help patients in 2,700 hospitals and transfusion centers across the country. That’s a lot of patients in need and all of us, coming together, can help ensure patients receive life saving blood.

So SleevesUp and help us reach our goal. Make and keep an appointment to give blood to the American Red Cross

The UAW-GM Center for Human Resources would like to host a blood drive in March 2018 . We need 40 donors – can you help? Please sign up now so we can host the blood drive to help with the critical shortages due to the Flu crisis, Fires- Hurricanes-Mud slides- Severe Ice/Snow crisis ‘, 43 local hospital shortages and any other unexpected crisis. Adults and children are facing grave danger without the ability to receive blood donations. Please consider donating!
Please call x 5111, leave your name and phone number and specify you would like to donate blood . Thank you