Sleeves Up for Sarah Jane

Just after receiving a life saving blood transfusion.
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She was asleep while receiving her transfusion, I watched the blood enter her body. Within two hours, we noticed some pink coming back to her face. I thought about how miraculous this process was, I thought of the people who take time out of their lives to donate their blood, sometimes gallons and gallons of it. (Sarah Jane’s grandma Kellogg has donated 2 gallons of blood, her Grandpa Hibner has donated 9 gallons of blood.)

Here we are, not even a week past transfusion and she’s laughing again, she’s scooting everywhere, back to her nearly curious, beautiful self. Organizing this virtual campaign is just our way of saying THANK YOU, to whoever it was that gave their A+ blood to our sweet Sarah Jane.

Please share with your friends and family! We are asking for FIFTY donations for Sarah Jane. Will you be one of them?