Michael Fenlason Virtual Blood Drive

7 /30

Our blood drive on Sept. 1 turned out PHENOMENALLY!

In the end, 37 people presented to give blood, and from those, we collected 30 (!) pints – 22 whole blood and 4 Power Red. The stream of people who showed up was truly inspiring.

There were so many people that couldn’t give blood that day due to the limited capacity that I decided to open up the opportunity for everyone to be included – the drive isn’t over yet!

For those who were out of town or had a temporary deferral, you can find a drive near you and give this next week when you can fit it in.

If you wanted to honor Michael Fenlason and his family by donating, now’s your chance.

Let’s see if we can find 30 MORE donors and double what we’ve already collected. I bet we can do it!