Joyce Cancer Warriors

Bob and Kathy and grandson Julian (aka Julesy-bean)
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One blood donation can help save up to three lives. That means a lot to patients in need, but it took on a new meaning recently. Many of you may know that both Bob and Kathy Joyce are currently battling cancer, and both have received numerous blood transfusions.

Throughout this ordeal, so many people ask what they can do to help, and now there is finally something they can actually contribute. Simply, donate blood to save lives. As winter intensifies, the American Red Cross faces critical low levels of blood for area hospitals and blood banks. Please consider joining our virtual drive to help combat these shortages. Make and keep an appointment to donate blood.

Without volunteer blood donors, this story might have had a different ending. #givebloodgivelife #JoyceCancerWarriors #JoyceBloodDrive